About Matthias Allred

Matthias is a family man, husband, and father of 3, an outdoor enthusiast, a fan of shorts and flip flops, and a trusted insurance advisor.

Can I get a separate auto policy for my 16 yr old son?

I talked to a potential client earlier this morning and she about fell off her chair when her current insurance agent told her what her new premium would be after she added her 16 year old son. It terrified her! How could insurance cost that much? So she called me asking for a quote. [...]

2023-07-02T15:32:57-06:00By |Auto Insurance|Comments Off on Can I get a separate auto policy for my 16 yr old son?

Is Condo Insurance Necessary?

Unlike homeowners, condo dwellers don't own the building they live in or the land it sits on. Your master policy will cover the condo building and common areas, but you'll need to put together a condo insurance policy to protect your unit and personal belongings inside.  Although it may not be required [...]

2023-07-02T15:03:27-06:00By |Condo Insurance|Comments Off on Is Condo Insurance Necessary?

Is condo insurance more expensive than a house?

Condo insurance is typically less expensive than a traditional homeowners insurance policy. A condo insurance policy offers similar coverage as a traditional homeowners policy for Personal Property, Loss of Use, Liability, and Medical Expense coverage. You will typically have significantly less coverage for the dwelling because the dwelling coverage for a condo [...]

2023-07-02T14:25:39-06:00By |Condo Insurance|Comments Off on Is condo insurance more expensive than a house?

How much is hazard insurance on a condo in Utah?

The cost of hazard insurance or homeowners insurance for a condo in Utah will vary depending on the coverages selected and the amount of insurance purchased. The endorsements you select to enhance your condo home insurance will also play a role in determining the price you will pay. On average, we see [...]

2023-07-02T14:11:17-06:00By |Condo Insurance|Comments Off on How much is hazard insurance on a condo in Utah?

Should I get condo insurance?

If you own a condo or townhouse, you absolutely should purchase a condo insurance policy. Even if it is not required by your lender, you still 100% highly recommend you purchase condo insurance for your unit. Your condo insurance policy will provide you coverage for your Personal Property against theft, vandalism, fire, [...]

2023-07-02T13:59:22-06:00By |Condo Insurance|Comments Off on Should I get condo insurance?

Why does my older car cost so much to insure?

Insurance companies determine the rates they charge on hundreds of factors. Age and value of a vehicle will affect the cost of insurance. Generally, the value of a car diminishes as it gets older. This, in turn, diminishes the risk an insurance company has covering that vehicle, and hence you get a lower rate on [...]

2023-07-02T13:51:25-06:00By |Auto Insurance|Comments Off on Why does my older car cost so much to insure?

What kind of insurance do you need for a condo?

If you own a condo and live there as your primary residence, you need to have an individual condo insurance policy. This is similar to a homeowner's insurance policy but is specifically designed for Condo Owners. An individual condo insurance policy is known as an HO-6 policy, or HO6 condo policy. The [...]

2023-07-02T13:32:59-06:00By |Condo Insurance|Comments Off on What kind of insurance do you need for a condo?

How do I save money on my car insurance?

We all are budget conscious, especially when it comes to our daily living. Every prudent person should look for ways to save money on their everyday items. There are several hundred factors that determine the rate you pay on your auto insurance. Some you can control, some you can't. Here are a few things [...]

2023-07-02T13:33:28-06:00By |Auto Insurance|Comments Off on How do I save money on my car insurance?

What does an HO-6 Condo Policy Cover?

An HO-6 Condo insurance policy as homeowners insurance for condo and townhome owners. An HO-6 policy will provide similar coverage as a traditional homeowners insurance policy. You will have coverage for standard perils such as fire, windstorm, explosion, theft, vandalism, smoke damage, and riot or civil commotion. Each condo policy can vary [...]

2023-07-02T12:47:29-06:00By |Condo Insurance|Comments Off on What does an HO-6 Condo Policy Cover?
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